What happens during our sessions?
In Dance Therapy we encourage the client to give a name to their movements and to clarify what they are experiencing. Knowledge and description about body sensations can restore a sense of ownership. We encourage the client to relive metaphorically the experience while building and owning a new story or reintegrating the old memory.
Through developing awareness of the mind-body connection and using specific interventions, somatic therapy helps you to release the tension, anger, frustration and other emotions that remain in your body from these past negative experiences. Embarking on healing trauma requires a lot of commitment, can be painful and might take a long time.
The goal of somatic therapy is to help free yourself from the stress and pain that is preventing you from fully engaging in your life.
Free yourself from stress and pain
Expat Somatic Therapy
Results of somatic therapy for Trauma
Results of the therapy:
Create more body awareness
Refine your sensory perceptions
Make more meaningful connection with yourself and others
Awaken and explore your inner child
Release physical and emotional tensions
(Re) discover and inspire yourself
Incorporate more playfulness in your life
Finding routines
Achieving personal designed goals
Finding your own rhythm
My credentials
I am a member of the FVB (Vaktherapeuten), therefore I am committed to their code of conduct regarding privacy and behavior.